Tag Archives: Stanley Haigh

Sue Langford: Haigh family in Thorley, Wellow

Haigh Bros at Lee

Haigh brothers, Stanley, Paddy and Frank at Lee 1920s : Photo Sue Langford

Mig grew up at The Retreat, just across the fields from us, where our fathers had spent time as boys. They used to go off in the donkey trap (known as the dog cart) to Bouldnor to catch butterflies and swim.

Sue Langford: Thorley game

brown hares on farmland

Brown hares on farmland

Our father would go out shooting –  his passion, but it was generally for the pot. When I was about 10 my father took me out shooting with him. I’d been taught how to shoot, and when a hare sprang up, I followed round, but just couldn’t shoot. My father never insisted or made me go out again; he accepted that it wasn’t for me, –  but  I ‘m happy to clean and cook game.
Sue Langford nee Haigh b 1946