Les Turner: Free Time 1950s

As lads we all made ourselves a go-kart with pram wheels from down on the Dump, timber as well. For making the body we would go down and see Mr Harwood and ask him for some large staples to fix the pram wheel axles to the timber body.  A lot of the time he would give them to us or he would charge us a penny for half a dozen.
In the light evenings a gang of us with our go karts would go up to the fire station, go down over the hill to the old railway sta

Yarmouth Station

Yarmouth Station 1950s

tion, through the gate, and if you didn’t steer properly, you’d end up going over the edge of the platform. We’d see how far we could get along the platform, along the old railway bed.  Great fun –  some of the karts had steering wheels.