Yarmouth’s Townfolk, Thorley residents and visitors alike braved the wind and weather and congregated on the Green ready for the Judging and the Parade.
The afternoon weather worsened from overcast, miserable and blustery, to heavy rain, so everyone who came deserved an award, especially those who stayed the full course.
Yarmouth School and Pre School sent messages to children, parents and supporters by jungle drums ( and texts) calling all cavemen and dinosaurs to join their float. Result: Yarmouth School Roxs! and won the David Dockrell Cup and Best in parade. Well done!

Carnival 2013: Saturday August 17th Parade, Pre School Cavewomen and Denise the Sabre Toothed Tiger.

Carnival 2013: Saturday August 17th Parade, School Cavemen and a few Cowleys win the David Dockrell Cup
We’ve won! Great team work from Yarmouth School and Pre School, children, parents and PTFA. Kizzy Cowley and Claire Bennett, both parents of children at Yarmouth School, and members of PTFA, co ordinated the entry with Tanya Letchford and Sarah Howell of PTFA.
Viking Isaacs arrived early, but fights broke out amongst their own numbers, so happily the town was not plundered on this occasion. They didn’t seem to use their oars very enthusiastically – perhaps their energy had been taken up in Decorated Dinghies and Harbour Sports.
The Carnival’s own Mallyshag received an unexpected visit from a rather larger Millishag, looking, we’re told, for Love ( GSOH, own sets of boots, good supply of cabbages required).

Carnival 2013 : Parade, Millishag in action, feet belonging to Scott family, Margaret Scott, Rebecca ‘Mastermind’ Blake, Hannah Blake, Katie Franks, with Jean Tiffin and Marion Stevens.
The visiting Milli was awarded the prize for Best Group on Foot ( feet?) and Mally and Milli were seen keeping company, so we await with interest next year’s developments.
Together at last; Mallyshag and visiting Millishag set off in the rain to tour the town.
Two young gentleman, ‘Fred Perry’ and ‘Andy Murray’, with lady umpire, braved a three hour motor-borne tennis match. Rain did not stop play. We challenge any professionals to play with such panache under such conditions! We salute your stamina, and ball control, chaps.
The retiring ‘Spirit of Yarmouth Carnival’, Carl Ingram, appeared as Captain Hook with brother Ryan as Peter Pan to celebrate Yarmouth’s literary heritage ( New book last Year, ‘History of Yarmouth’ ; new book this year, ‘Yarmouth and Thorley Voices’ available from Holdings. BUY ONE if you haven’t already!) Maybe Hook’s remarkable wig kept him warm and dry – he stayed the whole course.
Sporting achievements were celebrated – Team GB in its entirety, from Dame Ellen, through gymnast Tweddle to a cycling hero who was banished from riding on the float and had to pedal his way. Red, white and blue did their best to cheer up the afternoon.
There were more red, white and blue celebrations as Prince Harry and Aunty Pippa put in a surprise appearance celebrating the birth of a little buoy ( love it), courtesy of Yarmouth Sailing Club.
Not quite carried out to sea, one little Pearl appeared in a scallop shell, thoughtfully wrapped against the rain.
From over the river came the White Horses – an annual tradition, with a good number of riders from Hill Farm.
And yes, the Fire Engine can get round the corner without damage to Harwoods, Harveys, ( Mills really) or spectators. Great demonstration, Crew!
To all who took part, in any way, you’re all winners, just rather wet ones this year.

Carnival 2013: Vectis Corps of Drums ready. Peter and Serena Cottrell contributed to the costs of the bands.
The Carnival parade was sponsored by Yarmouth Spice, to whom many thanks, and to their patrons who were generous when the collecting buckets were rattled at them.